3 Reasons You Should Go Camping in Your RV for Thanksgiving

3 Reasons You Should Go Camping in Your RV for Thanksgiving

Trim the turkey, cook the tree. No, that’s not it. Cook the turkey and trim the tree. It’s the time of year when we should be in thoughtful introspection, spending meaningful time with friends and family, and relaxing. Unfortunately, holiday activities are often anxiety-filled, hectic, and can lead to exhaustion.

If you’re interested in kicking off the holiday season in a far less stressful way, consider going camping in your RV for Thanksgiving. Here are just three reasons why:

  • Experience a new location – It’s a great time to try out a new location or locale. If you live in a cold climate, you could choose a warm-weather destination. Or, if you live in a warm climate, you may want to head to a cooler part of the country as a challenge. Perhaps a simple change of scenery is in order. If you live near the beach, traveling to the mountains may be what you long for. Whatever location you choose, pick one that has been on your list for a while and be prepared to explore.
  • Reduce the stress and prep involved with cooking a feast – For many people, Thanksgiving means spending the entire day cooking and worrying about whether the turkey will be too dry when guests finally eat, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you travel for the holiday, you can pare down your typical meal and create a camping-friendly version, or better yet, you can opt for an entirely different meal altogether. Burgers and hot dogs, anyone?
  • Spend more time with family and friends – Thanksgiving can be a hectic time, whether you host or travel to another household for the day’s festivities. People are coming and going, kids are over here, adults are over there, everyone is immersed in their mobile devices. When you’re camping with your family or close friends, you truly get to spend time with each other. The mood is generally calmer and there are fewer opportunities for phones and iPads to be a distraction (especially if WiFi is limited where you are staying). Plus, sitting around the campfire encourages actual communication, storytelling, and fellowship.    

Have you ever taken a Thanksgiving camping trip? If so, what did you like or not like about it? Let us know in the comments or contact us today!