Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the love and support that mothers – and women who’ve served in motherly roles – have given to the rest of us. The struggle we often face is how to show our moms we appreciate them. Typically, that appreciation comes in the form of gifts, be it flowers, perfume, or certificates for a spa day. But for RV enthusiasts, the best types of gifts are usually the ones that moms can enjoy while they’re on the road or camping.
Need some ideas? Here are five options to consider if you’re looking for a gift for the RV-loving mom in your life:
- Outdoor gear – Does your mother love to kayak, hike, bike, or fish while camping in her rig? Get the gear that will allow her to do what she loves most outside. From fishing poles, utility knives, and backpacks to personal activity trackers, headlamps, and handheld GPSs, there are plenty of products out there that outdoorsy moms would love to have in their camping arsenal.
- Durable wine glasses – If your mom enjoys drinking wine, you can’t go wrong with getting her a set of wine glasses to use in and around the RV. There are a variety of amazing products available these days, including wine glasses made of stainless steel, plastic, and even glass options fortified with silicone bottoms for better grip.
- Journals – Yes, we live in a digital society, and all it takes is a few seconds to blast your thoughts out on social media, but sometimes there’s nothing better than writing things down on paper. Give your mom the ability to detail her outdoor excursions and express her thoughts, fears, wishes, and dreams in the written word with a beautiful journal and a nice pen. Find a waterproof version for the mom who likes to journal while out on the water or hiking.
- Interior and exterior décor – Women by nature like to make their living spaces comfortable and inviting, and that goes for the RV, too. If your mom pays attention to the little touches when setting up camp, get her some décor items, such as welcome mats, potted plants, string lights, throw pillows, solar-powered garden stakes, camp chairs, and more.
- Coffee – What mom doesn’t love a good cup of coffee, even out in the wilderness? Get the coffee aficionado in your life a portable coffee press or espresso maker or opt for single-use coffee packets so she can make a quick and easy cup of joe wherever she is.
Of course, gifts can hardly compare to the time, love, and commitment a mother puts in every day of her life for her family, but these options will at least be a start.
Want to learn more about how you can honor the RV enthusiast mom in your life? Contact us today!