Getting to a point in life where one can comfortably retire is a goal for most of us. These days, retirement looks a lot different than it did 50 years ago. You might be in your 30s and ready to retire or you might be older than traditional retirement age (usually early to mid-60s) and are finally deciding to slow down.
Whatever your personal situation may be, don’t rule out retiring in an RV. Here are a few benefits to consider!
Save Money
Of course, everyone could always be better about pinching pennies, but if you retire in an RV, you can enjoy a simpler life that ultimately could cost less than life in a brick and mortar home. Think about it: You’re paying for a mortgage, electricity, other utilities, and the like. In an RV, you’ll be forced to downsize and sell certain things, putting money back in your pocket. You can maximize your budget even more by opting to stay on free lands and boondock as much as possible, and by limiting added expenses such as eating out.
Get Exercise
Maintaining your health is important, whether you’re young or young at heart. Luckily, the RV lifestyle tends to promote living and playing outside as much as possible. Making time for daily hikes or runs, bike rides, kayaking, or other outdoor activities that get your body moving and your heart pumping will feel like second nature when you’re in an RV.
See the Country
One main benefit of retirement in general is the freedom to travel. You don’t have to report to an office each day and you have the time to explore the world around you. When you retire in an RV, the country is yours to discover. The trips you’ve always wanted to take—but had family and job obligations to deal with first—are still waiting for you!
Make New Friends
Traveling in an RV means you’ll visit new places and make new friends along the way. The RVing community is a tight knit one, and there’s always someone ready to help you out of a jam or share a meal or a drink with.
So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your retirement in an RV!
If you are already spending your retirement in a rig, what are the things you like or dislike about it? Let us know in the comments or contact us today!