Stock Your RV Pantry Like a Pro

Stock Your RV Pantry Like a Pro

It’s a great feeling to know that you have everything you need to prepare a satisfying meal or snack when you’re RVing. But ingredients and supplies don’t just materialize out of nowhere! You have to meal plan properly and bring along the items that will allow you to whip up a delicious meal at a given notice. Your pantry is going to be the go-to for most of those items, so here are some quick tips to help you stock your RV pantry like a pro:

Don’t Forget the Basics 

The “basics” will vary from person to person and family to family, but be sure to have whatever you deem most important: Think salt, pepper, olive oil, coffee, sugar, and peanut butter. 

In addition, it won’t hurt to also have on hand certain non-perishable food staples. Items like cans of tuna, rice, tomato sauce, dried or canned beans, and pasta can be used to quickly throw a meal together. 

Select Some Spices 

Every pantry could use some spicing up! Pack some of your favorite options, such as garlic and onion powder, chili powder, smoked paprika, and Italian spices. Selecting spice blends that have several options combined (such as a Cajun spice blend) can help you save on space. 

To save even more space, leave your larger spice bottles at home and fill smaller containers or bags with your chosen spices. Attaching magnetic or adhesive spice storage systems to your RV wall and storing your spices there can also open up room in drawers and cupboards.

Limit What You Bring

You love to make big breakfasts while on vacation, but maybe you don’t need a two-pound bag of pancake mix and a carton of 24 eggs. Plan ahead for your breakfasts (or any meal!) and prepare mixes and prepped veggies or fruit in advance of your trip. That way, you’re only taking what you absolutely need. 

For snacks, stock up on individually packaged items, like bags of chips and cookies. Not only will this help keep you and your family from overeating out of a larger bag, but it will also help with storage space. 

What are your favorite must-have pantry items? Let us know in the comments or contact us today!