How to Prevent RV Theft 

How to Prevent RV Theft 

RVing is a great way to get out into nature and explore the world around you. The community of RVers is generally amazing and full of friendly folks ready to lend a hand or socialize with newcomers and old timers alike. But that doesn’t mean you can always trust that your rig will be safe from thieves who want to break in, steal valuables, or even steal your RV itself.

So what can you do to prevent theft from occurring while RV traveling? What about when you’re not using it? Here are a few tips:

Secure Your RV at All Times 

Maintaining security of your RV in a variety of situations is important, just as with a sticks-and-bricks home. Whether you’re leaving for the day to go kayaking or heading to bed for a good night’s rest, remenber to:

  • Lock your doors and windows and keep your keys on you at all times 
  • Pull the shades down and close curtains 
  • Leave a light on outside at night—this could help keep nighttime scavengers at bay, too!
  • Keep valuable possessions stored out of sight
  • Invest in an RV security system with alarms and cameras 

Park in a Secure Place 

RVs that are not in use or in storage are highly susceptible to theft, even if left in a driveway. For this reason, it’s best to park your rig in a garage that can be locked or a secure, monitored RV storage lot with cameras and security fences. Consider using an underground storage facility for added protection. 

When you’re using your RV, park it in a campsite that is out of plain sight. Additionally, park so that the hitch is not easily accessible from the road, where a thief could hook up your rig and drive off. 

Track Your RV with GPS

Mobile apps for your cell phone can work with a GPS sensor, which you can attach to your rig. This will allow you to track your RV if it’s stolen. Remember to first call and report any theft of belongings or an RV itself to the police. Don’t try to chase after a thief on your own. 

What steps do you take to secure your RV whether you’re using it or not? What has worked well and what hasn’t? Let us know in the comments or contact us today!