Things to Consider When Choosing an RV to Travel with Pets

Things to Consider When Choosing an RV to Travel with Pets

Most people are pet people. You’re likely to have more friends and family who own and adore cats, dogs, and other creatures than those who don’t. And for good reason. Pets bring joy and happiness to our lives that can actually be explained by scientific research—pet owners experience increased levels of oxytocin (the “feel good” chemical in the brain) after socially interacting with their pets.   

So it stands to reason that pet owners are going to want to travel with their pets, especially if they choose to travel by or live full time in an RV. But living or camping in an RV with pets is very different from living in a house with pets, and it’s important to choose an RV that not only meets your needs but those of your pets as well. Here are a few things to think about when choosing an RV for yourself and for your animal friend. 

What Type of Pet Owner Are You?

Do your two 50-pound Huskies run the show, sleep with you in bed, and love to cuddle with you on the couch? Or are you a cat owner with a single cat who can’t be bothered to appear in polite company until the end of the day, and you like it that way? Thinking about how you interact with your pet and what your lifestyle with your pets is like can help you lay the groundwork to find out which RV would be best for you. For most, the next logical question is…

What Size Rig Do You Need?

Depending on the type of pet owner you are, you can start to draw conclusions about the size RV you would need for you and your pets to be comfortable. In the two Huskies scenario, a larger class A motorhome could seem like a reasonable option simply because of the animals’ size. But if you’re close with your dogs and don’t mind them being on top of you, a smaller class B or C could work perfectly fine for you. 

You’ll also need to consider the amount of food, toys, beds, crates, and other pet accessories you may need to bring with you. The accouterments for two Huskies may be a lot more than what is needed to keep a cat, bird, or chihuahua happy.  

What Type of Flooring & Upholstery Is Best?

As with any brick-and-mortar home, there are a variety of flooring choices in RVs. Some of those choices, such as carpet, are not ideal for pets. Even the best house-trained animals will sometimes have accidents inside, and carpet can stain and retain odors. Luckily, laminates and vinyl flooring options abound and are excellent choices for pet owners of any kind. 

In addition, it’s important to think about the fabrics and upholstery used in the RV. If you have animals that shed a lot, you may prefer having couches and chairs upholstered in synthetic leather versus fabric. 

These are just a few of many things to think about before choosing an RV in which you’ll travel with your animal friends. If you’ve traveled with your pets before, what things did you consider when buying or renting an RV? Let us know in the comments or contact us today!