Tips for Creating a Productive Workspace in Your RV

Tips for Creating a Productive Workspace in Your RV

Working on the road is a part of many full-time RVer’s lives, particularly the younger generations of enthusiasts – they haven’t quite hit retirement age, but are living in RVs, seeking the fulfillment that travel brings while still pulling in a paycheck. If you’re considering working remotely from wherever you may be in your RV, whether you’re a full-timer or not, it’s a good idea to think about where your workspace will be, what it will look like, and how it will function so that you can work productively while traveling.

Here are just a few tips to help you create and work in an RV space that meets your needs:

  • Create a dedicated “office” – It sounds easier than it is, to setup and use a space that’s only for working when you’re on the road. But having a spot where you can work comfortably whenever you need to is important. Think about what you do for work and what makes you most productive in your typical work environment: Do you work better with one or more large monitors or are you just as effective working on a laptop? Do you need ergonomic seating because of neck or back issues, or do you want ergonomic furniture to help avoid creating health problems in the future? Can you do your work offline at times or do you always need to be connected to the Internet? Does your work require special tools or equipment that need to fit into the space? These are all considerations you’ll need to keep in mind as you create a space that enhances your productivity rather than hinders it. As you determine what your needs are, don’t be afraid to reconfigure areas in your RV to accommodate the workspace that will most benefit you.
  • Choose a web connectivity option – Satellite Internet service may be for you if you need to have access at all times, regardless of your location. Or perhaps relying on free Wi-Fi spots at local restaurants, cafes, and shops is all you need to get the job done. What’s important is that you find a way to connect to the Internet at the frequency and duration you require to help you work.
  • Get rid of distractions – If you’re traveling with friends or family, whether short or long term, make it clear to them that there are certain hours on certain days during which you must get work done. That means they should respect your work hours by limiting interruptions and keeping noise to a minimum. That way, you can talk to clients over the phone, read and respond to emails, edit images, or whatever it is you need to do in peace and quiet.
  • Keep a work schedule – Just like at any job in a brick-and-mortar location, you should keep a consistent work schedule. Determine which hours of each day you want to work, making adjustments and concessions for things such as travel times and your physical location and access to Wi-Fi. Even if you’re not a full-time RVer but will be on an extended trip where you must work, carve out times on designated days that you will stick to getting work done.

Want to learn more about living and working in an RV? Contact us today!