Whether you’re new to the world of RVs or a seasoned vet, you’ve probably heard the term “delamination” thrown around. But what exactly is it? Delamination refers to the separation of layers within the exterior walls, roof, or floor of an RV and can be a significant concern.
Why Does Delamination Occur?
The culprit behind delamination is often water, an RVer’s perpetual nemesis. Imagine the layers of your RV’s structure, like plywood, fiberglass coating, and foam.
Water can sneak its way through cracks in roofing and windows, tears in rubber tubing, or improperly sealed seams. It then seeps between these structural layers and causes adhesives to weaken. As a result, the layers begin to detach. This leads to those telltale “bubbles” or waves on the surface, giving your vehicle a less-than-appealing appearance.
Delamination tends to strike older RVs more frequently, but even newer ones aren’t entirely immune. Factors like poor maintenance, extreme temperature changes, and using the wrong sealants can accelerate its onset. If left unchecked, delamination can go from a cosmetic concern to a structural nightmare.
Can I Repair Delamination Myself?
This is the million-dollar question! Yes, you can repair delamination yourself, but it depends on the extent of the damage. If the separation is minimal, a delamination repair kit might work great. These kits allow you to glue the layers back together using syringes and rubber tubing, targeting those hard-to-reach areas. But for more severe cases where the separation has expanded, it might be time to consider a more extensive approach.
Stripping and reconstructing the delaminated area becomes necessary in such instances. This involves removing the damaged layers and replacing them with new materials, ensuring the structural integrity of your RV. However, remember that delamination is not just a cosmetic issue. In severe cases, loose layers could even lead to many additional problems that you’ll need to address.
Ultimately, if you’re not prepared to take on a massive project like this, it’s best to hire a professional.
Delamination might sound like a scary word, but taking quick action is key to ensure the best results. Have you experienced delamination on your RV? Did you repair it yourself or hire a professional? Let us know in the comments or contact us today!