Why Do People Become RVers?

Why Do People Become RVers?

Choosing the RV lifestyle isn’t for everyone. But in recent years, so many people have discovered the joys of traveling in a rig, that the number of RV enthusiasts has skyrocketed.

But why do people become RVers? What is the appeal? There are probably hundreds of reasons, but today we’ll explore just four of them!

Some people RV:

For the community and to make friends

Many RV enthusiasts are extroverts and enjoy spending time at their campsites making friends and enjoying new companions. These people are usually the ones inviting others to potluck dinners and over for drinks at their RVs. Extroverted RVers may also be the types to offer assistance with parking, set up, or break down to other RVers—whether it’s requested or not. But they’ll be the first ones to wave, say hello, and welcome you to the community. 

State parks and RV campgrounds and resorts near major destinations are great places to meet RV extroverts who like to socialize. Long-term/seasonal spots and events like festivals are other great options for community-minded travelers.

For the peace and quiet 

In contrast, a large segment of the RVing population are introverts. They go RVing for the solitude and they look forward to not seeing or being around other people. Introverted RVers keep to themselves and choose remote locations to camp, often opting to boondock or disperse camp instead of going to an Rv campground or resort. 

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands and other off-grid locations are where you are mostly likely to find introverted RVers.

To travel while working 

The pandemic created a popularity explosion when it comes to RVing, mostly because many people realized they could work from most locations in the country and not be tethered to their sticks-and-bricks homes or office cubicles. This tribe of RV enthusiasts (called digital nomads) can fall into either the introverted or extroverted categories, but their main purpose for RVing is to travel and experience the world around them while still having an income. This group has realized that they don’t need to wait for retirement to see all the national parks or wake up in a new location every few weeks if they desire.

Digital nomads can be found in all types of locations, as long as the WiFi is strong!

To raise a family and educate children

Another subset of RVers include families who want their kids to experience the best type of learning—learning by experience. These RVers have chosen to homeschool their children and travel to places where their kids can learn about math, science, history, and art in action, in a variety of locations across the country, including museums, national landmarks, and other historical sites. This type of education provides a level of depth and understanding that many kids in traditional schools don’t experience, allowing RVing children to have an enriched learning environment. 

RVing families are likely to show up in any type of location as long as the places are kid-friendly and near opportunities for educational moments. 

What type of RVer are you? Let us know in the comments or contact us today!